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Healthy heart,Healthy heart diet.

 Healthy heart, Healthy heart tips

Healthy heart diet

Heart bypass surgery.

Written by 
              Maroof Dahar.

Healthy heart.

What is a healthy heart rate?

This is the question in our mind and we don't know about a healthy heart rate
In this article, I will tell
 You everything about a healthy heart. Healthy heart rate, Heart bypass surgery

Heart rate means, the number of times your heartbeats in a minute measured as BPM- beats per minute.
The normal resting per minute is= 60 to 80 bpm per minute.
Females resting heart rate is faster than the males.
Elite athletes resting heart rate can be as low as 40 Bpm.
To keep your heart healthy don't take the stress.
Stress gives a major effect on heartbeats.
When somebody suffering from stress bpm will increase.
There are many devices to trace your heartbeats.
There are many other things to care about for a healthy heart.
Blood pressure is very important for our heart.
High blood pressure is very problematic for heart cholesterol level that blocks the heart blood arteries and can cause a heart attack and many other hearts disease.

Healthy heart diet.

Superfood for our heart that naturally improves the health of our heart.
Prevent heart disease, I will tell you some superfood for our heart.

 1. Garlic
Is the best food to improve heart energy.
And makes our heart strong also.
Stops blockages heart arteries and prevent heart diseases.
Garlic contains antioxidants that control bad cholesterol.
Relief from blood pressure.
Use garlic with water in the morning can improve heart performance.

2.Olive oil.
 Olive oil is very important not for only our heart but while the body.
It contains poly flore and antioxidant which is best for our heart.
If we use olive oil in a kitten for cooking this is the best choice for our health forever.
Olive oil pushes bad cholesterol out of our bodies.

3.Green tea.
It cleans our heart reys
It cleans the blood and makes blood circulation easy to the heart.
One cup of green tea in a day can improve heart health.

4. Apples.
A patient with cholesterol should eat an apple a day.
Apples are rich in fiber which improves heart health and cleans heart arteries.
Eat an apple in a day can prevent heart disease.

5. Almonds.
Almonds are very rich in vitamin -E which can help to protect from bad cholesterol.

6 . Dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate is very rich in cocoa.
Chocolate helps to normalize the blood pressure and fight inflammation and blood clotting.
It provides anti-stress effects.
Cocoa means component in dark chocolate it is good for sun ultra foliatge rays also.

If we include these all foods in our diet we can reduce heart problems easily but physical activity is also necessary to heart-healthy forever.

Now I will discuss something that we should quite from our daily life.

1. Fast food.
2.Jam food.
3.Cold drinks.
4.Cold water.

If we want to keep our heart healthy we should stay away from the thing that I told you above.

Healthy heart tips.

1. Eat protein first stomach stay fuller longer blood sugar 
Remains stable.
Protein keeps you away from overeating.

2.Drink water.
Drink water is a tonic for our hearts.
Keep a bottle handy where ever you go.
Drink water as much as possible it keeps you hydrated.

3.Sleep more.
Give your body proper rest and sleep more.
Good sleep is a unique tip for keeping your heart healthy and fit.

4. Manage to wait.
Manage your wait according to your body height and health.
Avoid fast food fat is a big enemy of your heart.

Alcohol is very harmful to our body it causes an increase in heart disease.
If you want a healthy heart avoid alcohol forever.
Alcohol makes our heart week.

6.phisical activity.
Always keep yourself busy in physical activity.
If you are doing a desk job and sitting on a chair all the time it not good for a healthy heart.
Physical activity is a must requirement for the health of our heart.

7. Keep smiling.
Keep smiling is very important not for only our heart but overall health also.
Always keep yourself smiling and calm.

Exercise for the heart.

There are many types of exercises for your heart healthy.
Without exercise, it is difficult to care for our hearts.
There are many types of exercises to improve our heart health.
Many types of heart disease are increasing because we are spending a busy life and not giving proper time to our exercise.
The walk is the best exercise for our heart.
And cycling is the best option for a healthy heart.
There are many types of yoga to improve heart strength.
And release stress which is also painful for our heart.

Heart bypass surgery.

The arteries which work to supply oxygenated blood to our heart
When these arteries blocked
And can't reduce from engeography in such type of situation bypass surgery is a must option.
The name bypass surgery is a very important technique.
Which is used in heart attack treatment.
The bypass is a very complex technique several steps are involved in it.
The bypass graft is used to perform bypass surgery.
The bypass graft is a basic need to perform bypass surgery.
The bypass graft can be taken from the patient's body.
Or can use artificial graft also.

Bypass surgery cost.

Bypass heart surgery is quite expensive.
It's difficult to tell the exact figure for the cost of this surgery. I will tell you about the cost of this surgery in some countries.

United states.   $130,000.
India.                  $10,000.
Singapure.            $18,500.
South Africa.       $12,800.

I hope you all friends will get the benefit from this article about "Healthy Heart"
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Healthy heart rate.
Healthy heart diet.
Healthy heart tips.
Exercise for the heart.
Heart bypass surgery.

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