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Healthy skin-skin care tips

 Healthy skin, skincare tips, food for skin glow, skin problems.

                                  Written by,
                                                               Maroof Dahar.

Healthy skin.

Everyone wants healthy skin
Glowing face.
Healthy skin is a must need for us, skin problems on the face are a bad experience for us especially in teenagers.
Skin problems during pregnancy are also a challenge for females.
I will give you some skincare tips in this post and will tell you about food for skin glow.
I will tell you about the water benefits.

Some habits can improve your skin health.
And keep your skin always flawless.

Start your day by drinking water 
This is the easiest way to keep your skin healthy and glowing,
Water hydrates our body and flushes away all the toxins and impurities from the body very quirky and easily.
Drink water as much as possible, drink water at least 8 to 12 glasses per day will keep you hydrated.
Water is a must for any kind of skin.

Wash your skin and follow"ctm" 
Cleaning your skin can effectively improve the overall appearance of your body.

CTM. Routine means,             cleaning,                                 toning,                       moisturizing.
It is better to use a mild face wash in the morning.
You can apply honey to clean your skin.
Rosewater can be used as a toner to hydrate your skin and shrink all the open pores.

Skincare tips.

Friends, I will give you some tips to care for your skin.

1.Protect your skin from the sun.
The harmful rays coming from the sun can cause some server damage to your skin.
Sun rays can damage the cells of your skin and collagen in your skin.
Applying sunscreen with an SPF higher than 30 can protect your skin from sun damages.
Don't go out without sunscreen.

2. Night tip. Remove your makeup and moisturize your skin before going to bed.
Apply any natural oil with cotton to avoid dryness.

3.Dont mess with your acne.
If you have acne-prone skin.
it necessary to be gentle with your skin.
Don't over-wash your face it can create acne breakout.

4.Reduce the sugar intake.
Including more sugar food in your daily diet can create an advertising effect on your skin.

5.Relex yourself.
Stress can be a significant factor that could affect our lives in all possible ways.
You can relax by going for a walk, reading a favorite book, or by exercise.
6.Good sleep.
Take at least 8 hours of sleep every day.
Giving proper rest to your body is very important for your health and skin.
Your skin also needs some rest to achieve the perfect glow.

Skin problems on the face.

There are many types of problems on the face. Acne, Dryness, Blackspot, Darkness.
And PCOS is an increasing problem.
PCOS means Polycystic ovary syndrome.
Homemade remedies for the face. by using natural things we can reduce skin problems on the face and can get glowing skin.
These remedies are for normal skin.

Remedy.1 Rosewater and gilesrine mix these both in equal quantity and use them as a moisturizer. 3 to 4-time use in a day is more effective.

Remedy.2 Sunblock.
  To make the homemade sunblock one cup of olive oil and three test spoons of less wages and 2 teaspoons of zink oxide include these all in hot water after mixing cool the water and fill in a bottle and use as a sunblock.
Use good soap on the face don't touch with dirty hands.

Skin problems during pregnancy.

90 percent of females experience skin changes during pregnancy.
One common problem is hyperpigmentation, which can be in private parts. neck, or under the arms.
Pigmentation on cheeks or forehead. 
During pregnancy acne increase
Hair fall increase.
Facial hair increase.
Skin tags increase.
Atopic dermatitis,racies, warts.
There are many hormonal changes in women's bodies during pregnancy.
Don't take a shower multiple times during pregnancy.
Remain cool
Use rose water on your face.
Or coconut oil in the summer season especially.
Keep your self hydrated.
The use of cold water on the face is best for pigmentation in the summer during pregnancy.
Use sunscreen always 
Use night cream on the face like vitamin b3 -b6 regularly.
Use these creams on the neck to avoided neck pigmentation during pregnancy.
Avoid irritating your skin during pregnancy.

Food for glowing skin.

There are many foods for skin glow and anti-aging.
I will tell you some foods you can get regularly for skin glow.

Turmeric is best for wrinkles and darkness prevention.
Provides glow on the face this is anti-aging.
For more power can use milk.
People use turmeric as a face mask good for black spot.

2.Avocado.improves your skin elasticity and moisturizes the barrier.
Avocado is rich in carotenoids.
Protect skin from sun damage

3. Green tea.
Various benefits are there in green tea protect skin from sun damages.
Green tea is also used as a sunscreen.
4.Carrots are high in beta carotene and antioxidants this is converted to vitamin a inside the body.
It helps to repair skin tissue and protect against the sun harsh rays.
Carrots also contain vitamin c that aids collagen production in the body.
Which prevents wrinkles and the aging process.

5. Oranges.
The pulpy and sweet juicy oranges are high in vitamin c which is an antioxidant.
This means that oranges can help percent oxidant damages consume 1-2 oranges every day.
You can also apply the orange juice to your skin.
The skin of oranges can also use as a face mask to improve your face glow.

Juices for glowing skin.

1. Mix juice.
The juice of mix. Tomato, oranges, apples.
To make the fresh juice of these
All atoms in a good juicer on slow speed grind properly and use this juice in breakfast this is rich juice in vitamin c and best for healthy and glowing skin.

2. Cucumber juice.
Low calories juice for glowing skin.
Take a cucumber and peel it.
And cut from both sides.
Now cut it into slices.
Take them in a blender jar.
She's a lemon in it and mint leaves now gird them properly.
Now strain the juice into a glass.
Drink the juice in the morning daily.
This is an amazing juice for glowing skin 


Healthy skin.
Skincare tips.
Skin problems on the face.
Skin problems during pregnancy.
Food for glowing skin.
Juice for glowing skin.

Hello, friends, I hope you will like this post about healthy and glowing skin.

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