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Back pain during pregnancy.

  Back pain during pregnancy.

Written by
Maroof Dahar.


Back pain during pregnancy is a very common problem from day one and this is a natural process also.
 I will discuss in detail the question which every woman will have to face in her life at least for one time.

What causes back pain during pregnancy?

How to deal with back pain during pregnancy?

Almost 80% of women face the problem of back pain during pregnancy.
Women can experience this lower back for the first time pregnancy in a serious condition.
You can ignore this problem, for some period but once the back pain became serious it difficult to ignore it more.
Women should mentally prepare for this back pain during pregnancy and some prevention also needed in back pain to avoide serious conditions.
Which I will discuss in this article in detail.
When to consult a doctor?
In the serious and painful, you can consult a doctor this is necessary for you.
If you want to know the causes of back pain during pregnancy you are on the right article. In early pregnancy back pain starts very soon this pain is like the pain of periods. this is a natural process because our body prepares for a baby.
Some times back pain become ok in the pregnancy 6 to 7 month. Don't worry just thinks you are going to birth to a baby and it's ok to feel back pain sometimes.
It's natural to face some problems during pregnancy.
As much as your baby increases in your wool the weight of the baby also increases and because of the increase of weight burden on your backbone, you feel back pain during pregnancy.
In serious back pain, it's necessary to contact the doctor and not to ignore this back pain during pregnancy.
Sometimes it can create some serious complications.

What causes back pain during pregnancy?

There are( 8)major causes of back pain during pregnancy. by avoiding these causes you can manage this pain from starting intelligently.

1.Calcium and vitamin d deficiency.

2.Posture changes.

3.Muscels separation.

4.Harmonal changes.

5.Emotional stress.

6.Lifting weight.

7.High heeled footwear.

8.Weight gain.

1.Calcium and vitamin d deficiency.

Calcium and vitamin d requires more in pregnancy from the normal time because the baby also needed this nutrition to grow.
Women should take calcium and vitamin d in a good amount to avoide back pain.
Stop the deficiency of calcium and vitamin d during pregnancy.

2.Posture changes.

Posture change is also common in women during pregnancy and causes back pain so just to manage your body weight during a walk and a straight body shape will help you to avoid back pain.

3.Muscels separations.

Muscle separation is also a big cause of back pain during pregnancy because of the delivery process the muscles of women get separation to create the space for the baby in this process women can experience back pain.

4.Hormonal changes.

Hormonal changes can create a serious kind of back pain during pregnancy.
Hormonal changes are natural during pregnancy so don't worry.

5.Emotional stress.

Emotional stress is also very common to create back pain and some other problems during pregnancy. women should not take the stress of any kind.
During pregnancy, happiness is very necessary and the family should take care of the pregnant woman and not give any kind of stress to her.

6.Lifting weight.

This is a very common mistake in women during pregnancy to lift the weight of any object.
Never lift any kind of weight during pregnancy. Because this can create serious back pain for women during their pregnancy.

7.High heeled footwear. 

This is quite dangerous to use high-heeled footwear during pregnancy this can cause a serious kind of back pain and other complications during pregnancy.
So never make this mistake and use always soft and low heeled footwear.

8.Weight gain.

Weight gain is very common and natural during pregnancy, pregnant women gain weight, and the baby inside the wool is also increasing weight so in this situation the women can face back pain problems during pregnancy this is a common cause so don't worry about it.

How to deal with back pain during pregnancy.

I will give you some tips to deal with back pain during pregnancy and get relief from this pain as much as possible.

1.Mantain posture.

2.Good exercise.

3.Deep breathing.

4.Right sleeping position.


These are some tips I will give you in detail the knowledge about all these necessary tips to deal with this pain in a good way and can enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible.

1.Maintain posture.

Focus on maintaining good posture when the baby grows inside your boom then tummy also grows that's why your lambsvin
With increasing in such a situation you must care about sitting, standing, and not to sit with the hanging position of your foot for a long time this can increase back pain and many other problems also.

2.Good exercise.

Exercise also plays a major role in your pregnancy and delivery became easy if you give sometimes to a good exercise
Means light exercise like walk, women think that walk during pregnancy is not safe but sorry that's not true.

It's very important to walk during pregnancy 
30 to 40-minute walk per day is best for pregnant women.
Even swimming is also a good exercise for blood circulation to the body. you can try swimming also for the best results.

3.Deep breathing.

Deep breathing can also play a major role in lower back pain.
During pregnancy when you go to bed.
sleep on bad and start deep breathing for a while it will reduce the back pain even stress and can improve oxygen, circulation to the body.

4.Right sleeping position.

Right sleeping position is very very important for reducing all kinds of pain.

How to sleep?
The best way to sleep during pregnancy is to sleep on your left side.
Use pillow under the belly.
Between your leg.
This is a great position to sleep and will release lower back pain.

Don't sleep like this.
Don't sleep laying on your backside.
Don't sleep laying on the right side.
That sleeping positions can occur in the back pain.
And can cause difficulty in breathing and can swelling.


If you are feeling back pain during pregnancy regularly in late nights the massage is a good option for you but with soft hands only. 
Any kind of natural oil will help you to deal with back pain.
A slight back rub is good for pregnant women so you can try a light and soft massage to relief back pain during pregnancy it's good and save.

In this article, I have tried my level best to give you all the unique knowledge about back pain during pregnancy.
about back pain causes, about back pain tips so I hope you all will like my article and will get the benefit of it.

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