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Brain hamorrhage symptoms.


Brain hemorrhage symptoms.

                                         Written byMaroof Dahar.

Brain hemorrhage symptoms.


This is a very serious problem nowadays. This is a killer disease I will tell you the symptoms of this disease to be worn against this dangerous and painful disease. the brain is the most important part of our body with a healthy brain you can role in the world.
But with an ill brain, you can't spend a successful life and can trouble very hard.

What symptoms brain hemorrhage?

The symptoms of brain hemorrhage depend on which part of the brain hemorrhage appears.
The common symptoms are there.
I will tell you(10) common symptoms of this disease.

1.serious headache.


3.Difficulty in the walk.

4.Weakness of legs.

5.Weakness in hands.

6.Eyesight weakness.

7.Difficulty in understand.

8.Difficulty in speaking.

9.Bleeding from the brain.

10.Difficulty in hearing.

These are the most common symptoms

That can appear in the patient of this disease. it's necessary to respond very early after these symptoms.
Don't ignore this disease ever this can give a very painful death to anybody at any age at any time in a very short period. So it's very very important for us to know about this disease and get knowledge about the symptoms of this disease to respond early and avoid a painful death.

If you are experiencing this type of symptoms consult the doctor very early infect it's not enough to just consult the doctor.
In this painful disease sometimes it's necessary to hospitalize the patient.
The doctor will do some tests like an MRI test which the doctor recommends to a patient after watching the symptoms.
Which I have discussed above.
Another test to find this disease recommend by doctors is a" City scan" to know the seriousness of symptoms.
And to know that in which part of the brain the problem is starting. and find the disease at the start.
But sometimes this can be very serious and doctors can keep the patient in I.c.u. to normalize the brain condition.
And after talking about all the tests doctors can decide on brain surgery to save the life of the patient. This is the process of two types one call "Surgery"
And second, call "Angiography"
Two types of operations can be useful in the condition of a brain hemorrhage.
1. Clipping.
2. Cooling.

Causes of a brain hemorrhage.

Many certain causes can be the reason for this disease.
I will discuss the main causes of this disease to wear you all from this killer disease and avoid the risk of painful death. Pleases don't make any mistake and do the right things to avoide the 
Causes of this painful and dangerous disease.

The main and very very common cause of this disease is.

High blood pressure.

High blood pressure is the primary cause of brain hemorrhage.
High blood pressure is a big cause of the effect of brain vessels and creating unbearable pressure on brain vessels. and can be a cause of destroying the brain vessels and bleeding can be started from inside the brain.
So don't ignore hypertension in any condition and can cause a painful death.
In winter there is a big chance of brain hemorrhage attack in the patient of hypertension.
The patient with high blood pressure for a very long time can be affected by this disease.
High blood pressure makes weak the vessels of the brain and in the end, we can get the result of a brain hemorrhage.

This is a unique article about the disease of a brain hemorrhage. which is a day by day increases disease. This is a much-needed article.
I hope you all will get the benefit of it.

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