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Healthy teeth,tooth cavity,teeth problems,

 Healthy teeth, healthy teeth, and gums, teeth cleaning, teeth problems, tooth cavity.

               Maroof Dahar.    

Healthy teeth.

Our teeth are the gift of God.
If we want to spend a healthy life we should care properly for our teeth.
Without teeth, we can't imagine our life.
Healthy teeth and gums are a necessary need in our life.
We should care for proper cleaning.
We should take strong teeth food.
I will give you strong teeth tips.
And we will discuss today tooth cavity and kids teeth problems.

Everyone wants healthy and clean teeth but for healthy teeth, we should care about some things and follow some tips also.
First of all, is to proper brushing.
Brush your teeth twice a day.
Don't use sticky food too much.
Because of sticky food, we can't clean our teeth properly.
Visit the dentist at least twice a year.
Use mouth wash to avoid bad breath clean food particles properly.

Healthy gums.

Swollen gums are a bad problem there are many types of gum disease.
There are many types of bacteria cases infection in gums.
Many types of medication
Like high blood pressure,
Cases swollen gums.

Bleeding gums homemade remedies.
The bleeding gum problem is increasing day by day.
1. Proper maintenance over hygiene.
Clean your mouth with water rinse after every meal
Use a soft brush and good mouth wash.
2. Saltwater. Use saltwater to improve gums' health.
One glass of fresh water and one taste spoon salt mix it and use as a mouth wash.

Teeth cleaning.

This is a major and primary requirement for healthy teeth.
To keep clean your teeth always use good quality toothpaste and brush.
Brush in a day twice brush before sleep.
Brush your teeth with soft hands for at least 2 minutes. 
Keep clean your tongue by brush to clean bacteria.
Use anti-bacterial mouth 

Sometimes our teeth are covered with yellow, a layer called plaque.
We can use baking soda to clean this plaque.
One testespoon baking soda with salt use with a brush on your teeth will clean plaque.

Strong teeth food.

There are many types of foods that can make our teeth strong. I will discuss 10 foods that can improve dental health.

Is a calcium-rich tonic it's healthy for bones and makes teeth strong.

Provides anti-bacterial properties that stimulate the gums and kills germs that cause tooth disease.

3.Apple. High in fiber and water, it produces saliva in your mouth which rises away bacteria and germs.

4.Spinach. Full of vitamins and minerals and high in calcium which builds your tooth enamel layer.

5.Almond. Full of protein and healthy fat which helps to fight bacteria that causes tooth decay.
6.Cheese. Full of calcium that helps strengthen the teeth.

7.Pumpkin seed. High in zink which can boost gum health helping in bleeding gum also

8.Oranges. High in vitamin c which is necessary for healthy gums.

Contains photochemical which can fight bacteria cases cavity and gum disease.


One has anti-bacterial sulfur and compounds making them terrific for oral health.

Teeth whitening at home.

There are many reasons for teeth yellowness such as
Smoking, too much use of coffee and medication, and gas problems cause yellow teeth.
I will tell you some home remedies for whitening teeth

1. Take one taste spoon pure 
turmeric mix with toothpaste you use at home.
Apply with a brush twice a day and you will see clear results after a week.

2.One taste spoon of baking soda and juice of a half lemon
mix it and apply with a brush
Use once a week only.

3. Use activated charcoal one taste spoon mix with toothpaste properly apply with a brush on teeth this Ramadi will white your teeth naturally.

Tooth cavity.

Tooth cavity is an increasing problem day by day.
There are many reasons for this problem
The first reason is to not brushing properly and clean food particles remain between teeth and cause cavity.
So first of all brush twice a day.
Once the cavity starts it can't go back.
In this situation go to the dentist as soon as possible.
If you are late this will be more expensive and painful.
Tooth cavity can create a local pen means pen in curry.
If you feel pain curry you can use home Ramadi as the first add but it is temporary.
Aloe vera gel can be used on teeth for pain.
A freshwater mix of salt runs for pain relief.

Cavity prevents method.
Brush twice a day first after breakfast and second before sleep.
Avoid sticky food spicy food.
Drink water as much as possible.
Avoid cold drinks.
Avoid smoking.
Rinse after every meal.
Use fluoride toothpaste.

Kids teeth problems 

This is mom's responsibility to take care of kids' teeth.
The big problem with kids is to not care for their teeth.
And eat anything any wear.
Too much use of chocolates and cold drinks is also harmful to kids and can cases cavity.
Because of this kid's enamel layer of teeth becomes week and sensitivity gets started.
And enamal can erosion.

So parents should take care of their kid's teeth to avoid kids' teeth problems.

1.Healthy teeth.
2.Healthy gums.
3.Teeth cleaning.
4.Strong teeth food.
5.Teeth whitening at home.
6.Tooth cavity.
7.Kids teeth problems.

This is an article about healthy teeth I hope you like it and follow this to improve your oral health.

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