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Ear pain causes and home ramedies.

 Ear pain causes.
Home remedies and food for healthy ears.
Written by 
Maroof Dahar.

Ear pain causes.
Ear pain is a problem that occurs at any age.
Ear pain is a very sensitive 

Ear pain some time affects both ears.
Sometimes ear pain goes in a Little time but sometimes it can be a permanent issue.
In the first stage, we feel lite pain but as much as we ignore this becomes a serious pain or burning pain.
If we are suffering from an ear infection fever and hearing problems may occur.
We should be calm during ear problem and not rub hardly ears.
There are many causes of ear pain infection, irritation, injury, or any kind of referred pain that may be a reason for ear pain.
Sometimes we feel pain in the ear but infect that refers to pain from the jaw and teeth.
There are some major causes of ear pain.
 1. Ear infection.
 2.outer ear infection.
 3.middle ear infection.
 4.water trapped in the ear
 5.Infected teeth.
 6.infection in the jaw.
 7.Use of cotton swabs in the ear
 8.Injury in the ear.
 9.The common cold.
10.Backed nasal passage.
11.fall in air pressure at high altitude.

An ear infection is a very common cause of ear pain this can occur inner ear middle ear and outer ear.
Infection can cause a serious ear problem and can affect the brain vessels also so don't ignore the infection in your ear and go to the doctor in this condition.
Not drying the ear after swimming or bathing can cause serious ear pain.
Smoking can cause ear pain.
Avoide dust, and pollen to avoide ear pain.
The cause of infection is bacteria and virus which goes inside the ear and create an infection.
During ear pain, we can face these things like fever, difficulty in eating, trouble in sleeping, trouble chewing and sucking, and dawn making can be painful.

A middle ear infection can be ok in 2-3 days without any high treatment.
In some cases, this can affect more and can go longer such as (6) weeks.
Very serious infection can go longer such as many months and can repeat several times in this condition don't ignore it and go to the hospital as soon as possible
And take care of yourself.

Ear pain home remedies.
Many kinds of home remedies can help us with ear pain in late nights. before going to the doctors you can use these home remedies that can be useful for you.

1.Tea tree oil.
2.Massage your feet' bottom.
3.Basil leaves.
5.Apple cider vinegar.
6.white vinegar.
8.neem leaves.

Now I will tell you the method to use these remedies.

1.Tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil contains compounds that can kill bacteria and viruses which cause infection. Use this oil twice a day in an infected ear,2 to 3 drips only.

2.Massage your feet' bottom.
You can massage your feet bottom with olive oil can help in the relief of pain urgently.

3.Garlic with olive oil.
This is a very useful and very old remedy, Warm the olive oil and 2-or 3 pieces of garlic dip in it boil it and after a few minutes, your remedy is ready you can apply this oil into the ear and backside the ear also.
 this is a very useful remedy for kids or adults.

Take a medium-sized onion and grate it thickly extract the juice. on a very low form warm this juice very slightly.
Put 2-to 3 drops of this juice in your ear a couple of times a day.

5.Apple cider vinegar 
Take two taste spoons of Apple cider vinegar and two taste spoon of water.
Take two kinds of cotton paid and dip then in it and keep this cotton paid on your ear for 5 to 8 minutes.

6. White vinegar.
Take 4 teste spoon of white vinegar
And 4 teste spoon of distilled water
Mix them properly in a little bottle.
And apply in the infected ear 2 to 3 drops twice a day.


Ginger is an excellent pain killer, as well as best for ear pain,  the juice of fresh ginger 2 to 3 drops into the infected ear is the best remedy it can also kill the bacteria.

8. Neem leaves.
Neem leaves are very useful in many diseases neem leave juice is very helpful in ear pain.
Two drops of neem tree juice in the infected ear is the best option. can relieve the pain urgently.

Food for ear health.
There are some very good foods for ear health especially.

2.Dark chocolate.

Banana contains essential magnesium and minerals that pervent hearing loss by expanding the blood vessels within the ears.

This, in turn, improves the blood circulation within the ears.
Magnesium also helps to control the glutamate.
So just grab two bananas and make a smoothie for this superhero mineral.

2.Dark chocolate.
Dark Chocolate is the best source of zink this mineral is known to increase cell growth and heal wounds.
Zink is known to boost the immune system in the body. Certain infections that can affect the hearing help war against. Dark Chocolate is a favorite food to increase ear health.

Broccoli is full of a different kind of nutrition like vitamin -k and vitamin -c
and fiber. These three can protect the sensitive tissues of our ears.
Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants.
That is present in the shape of folic acid.
Folic acid is very useful in ear disease at the stage of hearing loss.

Oranges are rich in potassium, vitamin-e
And vitamin -c both these vitamins act as oxidants to protect cells from damages.
Orange is an easily available fruit and very important to pervent hearing loss.
Once the hearing was damaged it was gone forever.
Do not wait until it is too late to start taking care of your ear.

Enemy of ears.
Many types of things are very harmful to our ears we call theme.
"enemy of ears" I will discuss some prevention to keep the ears healthy forever.
1.Loud music.
2.Ear plugs.
3.use of cotton swabs.
1.Loud music.
Keep the volume dawn always. you are enjoying the music but loud music is 

harmful to our ears.
The time to hear music should be less than one hour a day. 
And volume should be 50 percent only.
Don't use earbuds replace them with earphones can be less dangerous for our ears.

Plugin earplugs to avoide noises earplugs are easily available and very helpful to pervent damages to ears.
3.Use of cotton swabs.
Don't use cotton swabs to clean your ears. it's very common to cotton swabs to clean ear wax but a little wax is necessary to keep away harmful particles and dust from ears.
Cotton swabs can damage sensitive organs of the ears.

Stress can create sometimes temporary and sometimes permanent tinnitus(ringing in the ear).
A high level of stress can damage hearing so don't take stress to remain cool and calm will help you to maintain health.

Too much use of sweets can create ear pain. The reason for ear pain in kids is also high use of sugar so kindly reduce the use of sweets to avoid ear pain.

Exercise for ears.
Exercise is very important for a healthy body, as well as exercise, is very important for ear health.
You can keep your ears healthy by exercise when we start an exercise our blood circulation becomes fast and blood reaches all over the body even little vessels of ears also consume blood. by this process our ears become healthy.
We can use any kind of exercise for this.
Like walking, running, playing games like football, cricket, or hokey.
So keep your body active for overall health.

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