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How to weight loss

 How to weight loss.

Today we will discuss these things.
How to weight loss.
Weight loss exercise.
Weight loss surgery.
Weight loss tips.
Weight loss diet.

This is a big problem all over the world.
Every fat man wants to lose weight.
Weight loss is a problem for females also.
Housewives and students also want weight loss.
Faty persons lose confidence in society.
To improve your confidence it's necessary to weight lose and make your personality attractive.
It's challenging to lose weight but not impossible.
If we give some real effort to lose weight this can be a simple task.
First of all, we should be maintly prepared for weight loss effort.
We should create calories deficiency in our body.
And we should increase the use of protein in our body for a weight loss consistent basis.

For weight loss, first of all, we should make a diet plan.
According to your height weight and lifestyle.
There is a hormone in our body called "ghrelin"
Ghrelin makes us hungry and when we take protein hunger comes the dawn.
And we eat less calories.
In this way, we can create a calorie deficiency in our body and lose weight.
A study proved that when we increase protein in our body 
Use of calories comes the dawn.

There is another factor in weight loss is our digesting system. The digesting system means our metabolism.
Our metabolism is very important for weight loss.
And to make metabolism healthy we should drink water in good quantity.
Drink water at least 30 minutes before dinner and lunch.
And drink water at least 90 minutes later from your dinner and lunch.

Sleep well. Good sleep is very important for your weight loss.
If we do not take a good sleep.
The production of ghrelin will increase and it means hunger also will increase. then we eat more and our weight will increase.
Good sleep is a key factor in weight loss.

Black coffee, and green tea
Green tea burns our fat.
And black coffee gives power to our metabolism.
And also there is a pure calorie atom called sugar.
Sugar is the main reason for our weight gain. To replace sugar with honey.

Weight loss exercise

Exercise is a key factor in weight loss.
To burn your fat and improve your metabolism.
And also make you fit and healthy.
Walk at least one hour a day regularly.
Keep yourself active don't be lazy don't sleep after eating.
Any kind of exercise you like you can do it.
Exercises make our body fit and lite and help us to reduce weight also.
There are many kinds of exercises but you can start from any kind of exercise which is easy for you.

Weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery medical name is "bariatric surgery"
After diet and exercise, some peoples can not get success in losing weight this kind of people are searching for weight loss surgery which is a good option for them.
But everyone should not do this not a very simple thing.
This is for complicated patients only.
When you want weight loss surgery and you meet a surgeon.
The surgeon will make sure that you are medically fit and your BMI is between 35-to-40 
After some blood tests surgeon can permit you.
If you want weight loss surgery and you are already taking any kind of medical kindly describe to your surgeon first.
The surgeon will admit you before one day of surgery.
Don't take any kind of stress before surgery.
There are four types of weight loss surgery.
1.Gestric pending.
2.Sleep justice.
3.Gestric bypass.
4.Nedinal switch.

Weight loss tips.

Friends, I will tell you some 
Tips to control your weight and will help you to reduce your weight.

1.Drink water after wake up in the morning it helps you to lose weight.
2.take a good and healthy breakfast but avoid calories
You can eat, eggs, milk, brown bread, dry fruits, honey, fruits but small in size.
In lunch. you can eat a sandwich on brown bread.
4. Don't eat late at night eating early your dinner.
5. Don't use fizzy drinks.
6. Take a little walk before sleep.

Weight loss diet.

Sugar and oil-free diet plan.
I will discuss an easy diet plan to follow and easily available ingredients.
In the morning day start the juice of a lemon with chia seeds this drink will burn the fat and also give you energy.
After one hour you can take breakfast of Apple and carrot smoothie is very energetic and healthful.
In lunch, brawn bread with boil eggs along with Apple or any other fruit is a brilliant option.

After lunch, green tea or black coffee is best.
This is a sugar-free diet plan for sweet you can use dates or honey in your juices.
Dinner should be lighter and you can get it. Sales, vegetables, oats,
The timing is very important in dinner.
Dinner should not be very late.
You should take dinner early in the night.
After dinner, you can take black tea, lemon juice, or warm water.
Water is a key factor in your diet drink water in high amount and keeps you hydrated.
If you follow this diet plan you can get fast results.

Author. Maroof dahar.

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