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Banana benefits for men.

 Banana benefits for men.

Written by: Maroof Dahar. 

This is a complete article about banana benefits for men. I have provided (18) benefits of banana.

(18) benefits of bananas.


The day begins work begins for men in this busy lifestyle men need some instant energy to manage their busy lifestyle in that kind of situation banana is the best tonic for men to get energy during their work, away from home.
Banana is the best fruit to improve the sexual health of men by using banana with milk like juice it's best for the sexual diseases of men.
It helps sexual functioning better and gives men confidence in their private time.
Men can use bananas in the morning to achieve good results.
One or two bananas can be used in your workplace to refresh yourself.
Banana benefits for men we are feeling when we all feel tired sometimes and use banana to have some new energy.
We have all seen much time during the sports activities sportspersons also use bananas.
Like during a cricket match most of the cricketers like to use bananas in drink breaks to have some extra energy to give their hundred percent in the field.
Banana is a gift for mankind we can give so many names to a banana.
Such a great taste and color banana has.
I will discuss today banana benefits for men. Banana is equally healthy for all.
Banana is not only good for men but very good for women and kids as well as best for old people also. Without a banana, the breakfast looks incomplete and unattractive. A healthy day needs a banana. If we need a day that fills with energy we should eat the banana regularly. Banana is also very famous among elders. because of its softness banana is very easy to eat in any wear any place for instant energy it's the best choice for all kinds of peoples.
Banana is the most favorite fruit in the USA. 
The people of the USA like the banana more than other fruit. banana is a very powerful fruit as compared to other fruits.
Banana contains different types of nutrition that are very necessary for our body and health. Banana is not a very expensive fruit also everyone can use this fruit and get benefits out of it easily.

I will tell you about the 12 benefits of banana in detail to understand how much banana is a useful and necessary fruit for our life. the human need many kinds of nutrients to keep healthy all the body parts. Fortunately banana is a very good source of these nutrients. We have no choice without using bananas we will miss many kinds of nutrients. which is not good for our health and fitness. Less start to talk about these benefits in detail without wasting time.

(1) Rich in potassium.

(2) Rich in manganese.

(3) Rich in vitamin b6.

(4) help the digestive system.

(5) rich in iron.

(6) purify blood.

(7) Aoide heart disease.

(8) weight loss.

(9) Reduces amenia risk.

(10) Reduces cancer risk.

(11) good for kids.

(12) increase buty. 

(13) Green banana.

(14) Banana for old men.

(15) Quit smoking easily.

(16) Banana peel for health.

(17) Banana benefits during pregnancy.

(18) decent for sportsmen.

These all are important benefits of the banana why we ignore this unique amazing fruit. Less talk in detail about all these benefits of bananas.

(1) Rich in potassium.

Banana is a good source of potassium.
A medium-sized banana contains about 400 mg potassium.
Our body needs potassium regularly in a good amount so by using bananas regularly we fulfill the need for potassium from this single fruit easily and naturally. Potassium is very necessary for our body. We should take potassium in a good amount. The deficiency of potassium can disturb our blood pressure and can affect our muscles seriously.

(2) Rich in manganese.

Banana is also rich in manganese is very useful for our skin. If you want good-looking skin you must take bananas regularly. Manganese deficiency can create skin problems such as dull skin and other skin problems you can avoid skin problems by using a banana every day.
It prevents some serious diseases.
Like, cancer, heart attack, proper immune system, regulate the blood pressure, defense against reactive oxygen spices, collective tissues digestion, carbohydrate metabolism.
It is a powerful full antioxidant it includes monitoring activities of free radicals in the body.
Manganese is also known as a trace mineral. for its quality of naturally occurring mineral, it is available in many parts of our body.
It is quite helpful for our brain and nervous system.
We are very lucky to have manganese in the banana.
This is a very easily available fruit and at a very cheap price, contains such important minerals, vitamins, and fiber.

(3) Rich in vitamin b6.

Banana is also rich in vitamin b6 and we must know how vitamin b6 is important for us.
  Vitamin b6 increases blood in our body.
Vitamin b6 creates red blood cells by increasing these cells production it becomes easy for our body to generate the blood in more amount.
It also increases our metabolism rate.
 A banana gives quick energy to the body. And avoid weakness, and creates fat-burning cells. It is good for the nervous system. Vitamin b6 deficiency can affect our nervous system.
Banana is also known as an energy booster.
If you are a hard worker means working hard physically and you want to keep yourself energetic you must eat banana regularly. When you include bananas in your diet it helps you to maintain your physical activities.

(4) Help the digestive system.

The digestive system is a very important system of our body.
The problems of the digestive system are increasing day by day it becoming very common nowadays.
 many peoples are facing the problem of the digestive system weakness of this system is quite painful. But by using this yellow fruit I mean banana we can improve our digestive system easily.
Banana contains fiber if we use bananas regularly we can easily avoid digestive problems without any use of medicine.
Banana is a natural medicine for our digestive system it helps our body to flush out the waste of the body quite easily.

(5) Rich in iron.

Banana is a good source of iron also which means it's best for our bones. It keeps our bones strong and protects joints also it's best to avoide any kind of goes problems.
We saw many times that most of the bodybuilders and gym lovers use banana regularly have you thought what is the reason behind it. Iron is the reason that encourages this kind of peoples to fulfill their need for bananas.
 and make their bodies strong and good looking. The workout in the gym is very difficult for our body but when we use banana as extras ordinary tonic we can easily maintain our gym activities workouts and also bodybuilding.

(6) Purify blood.

Banana is very useful in purifying the blood and improve blood circulation to the whole body.
Good blood circulation is quite important to supply oxygen to every cell of the body and keep the cells of the body healthy. We know the functions of our body cells.
We never afford the death of cells of our body. Sometimes we do not realize the blockage of oxygen to the cells and we face extremely serious problems.
Banana is a unique fruit for its qualities, especially how it works for blood circulation to make easily oxygen supply to our body cells.
Sometimes we face the weakness of the brain it could be a cause of improper blood supply to brain cells in this kind of situation banana is a God gift for us just use banana on regular basis you can easily avoide this kind of problems.

(7) Avoid heart disease.

Banana is a very good fruit for heart disease. It is the best fruit to pervent heart problems in the primary stage.
Unfortunately, if you are a heart patient then a banana is a must fruit for you.

(8) Weight loss.

As we all know banana is a rich fruit in fiber, and by using finer you can reduce hunger, and in this way you can easily aside overeating.
By using 1-to 2 bananas a day you can start losing weight but don't use bananas too much because of the calories that bananas have.
Some people say that banana is a cause of weight gaining it's not wrong but if you use banana smartly you can also use banana for weight loss.
Use banana in breakfast or when you feel the hunger in the office or any other place don't eat fast food for this kind of hunger use banana to avoid this unnecessary hunger.
It will provide you fiber at the right time and the hunger start goes down and you can easily stop overeating thus you can fulfill your need without taking any kind of fate from fast food in this way you can use banana for weight loss.
Banana also contains vitamins A.
Kids of starch that stop weight gain.

(9) Reduces anemia risk.

Banana is a fruit that reduces amenia risk also, anemia causes paleness, tiredness, and breathlessness.
That can create anemia that can reduce red blood cells and can affect our health seriously and we can lose our health and fitness and can be a very weak person to do work and activities.
As we know banana improves red blood cells in our body and it helps to make fresh blood in the body. 
In this way, by using this fruit our body constantly produces new blood and it reduces the anemia risk.

(10) Reduces cancer risk.

Banana is very crucial to stop cancer cells in our body.
It fights against cancer cells.
The use of 2 bananas daily will help to reduce the risk of cancer in our body by almost 100%. it is good for the heartbeats banana controls heartbeat naturally. By using this amazing fruit every day we can control our heartbeat also. This will help us during exercise and running joining or in other sports activities to maintain this type of lifestyle we need to include this lovely fruit in our daily diet.
This fruit deserves to live in our fruit basket and our freezers every time.
Whenever we go outside for kitten shopping we should make the routine
to bring some fresh bananas home every day.

(11) Good for kids.

This fruit is outstanding for everyone.
This is a very good fruit for cute kids.
We all know this is not easy to include fruits in the diet of kids every day.
Kids always want some chocolates, sweets, gem foods type things in their diet, but this fruit also remains good for kids because of its amazing taste and cute color kids also make it friend easily.
It's easy to make a banana shake for kids for breakfast.
Sometimes you can keep 2 bananas in the lunch box of kids to eat in school halftime.
It helps kids in growth and builds muscles.it makes kids bones strong and gives brilliant energy to kids to be a part of the sports activities which kids need a lot.

(12) stress level falls.

Scientific research proved that bananas can improve your mode.
Banana contains tryptophan which is required by your body to receive serotonin.
This serotonin is also known as the hormone of happiness.
And bananas can create this hormone easily by we can reduce our stress level and can avoide the various types of diseases related to stress directly.
How useful this fruit is I can't believe this.
Oh such qualities in one fruit, this is mind-blowing.

(13) Green banana.

Banana is not only best in yellow condition but it's also unique in green raw condition.
I will tell you about several benefits of green bananas you did not hear before.
Green banana has a big amount of starch and fiber which can help avoid any kind of bloating and constipation during the digestion process.
Banana is very high in potassium which is very good for control the stress level on the arteries and vessels.
The use of green bananas can reduce tension and high blood pressure.
Now I will tell you some unique benefits of this fruit in raw condition.
I will discuss (4)the benefits of green bananas in detail.

(1) improves nutrients absorbtion.

Green banana has a short chain of fatty acids. Which improves your body's power to absorb nutrients easily and gives you instant energy to manage work activities.
This, in turn, will improve the overall health of your colon.

(2) Good for metabolism.

In ripped banana contains a big amount of vitamin and minerals that our body need to operate well.
This includes complex carbohydrates which our body needs for energy.
They can also help to speed up our body to burn calories.

(3) Good for a kidney.

Green bananas can help to maintain the balance of electrolytes within our blood.
They help the kidney to work well and reduce kidney issues.
So for avoiding all kinds of kidney issues you should include green bananas in your diet as much as possible.
This is not too much expensive fruit so with intelligent use of green banana you make your kidney also healthy.

(4) good for diabetics.

Green banana is an essential fruit for diabetic patients.
Green banana is a great option for diabetics who still want to consume bananas without the sugar content.
Fully yellow, banana has a big amount of sugar content.
So for diabetic peoples, the best option is raw banana.
Green bananas can be used in different types such as you can boil them, can fry them, and also can make a shake to make the use easier.

(14) Banana for old men.

As I have discussed above a banana is a very energetic fruit.
And very tasty and easy to digest also.
As well as it is very easy to tolerate at any age level.
This fruit banana is a treasure of nutrients. and everyone can use this to get good results.
Old men also can find good results out of it. But yes someone who is a diabetic patient should eat the banana with the advice of his doctor.
Dimities is a common disease in elders.
My advice for elders to eat only green bananas if they are suffering from dimities.
The level of sugar in a green banana is quite less than a yellow banana.
But not less in nutrients.
So for good results, raw banana is the best option for diabetic patients of old age.
As we all know the problem of high blood pressure increases with our age.
And potassium is the best option to keep under control of high blood pressure.
We know banana is a big source of potassium and nutrient make banana a natural medicine for high blood pressure.
As we discussed above that banana is very nice to control heart rate.
Heart rate also a big problem in seniors.
Old peoples always complaints about heart rate and this unique fruit is very helpful to regulate the heart rate.
Seniors also complaints about gastrointestinal problems.
Including constipation and motions, bananas can play an essential role in these two diseases.
Banana is rich in fiber which can control constipation.
By eating bananas elders can avoid these problems and can enjoy a healthy life.
And can feel energetic in old age also.
Elders sometimes feel depressed also.
As a result of many diseases which they are facing in old age. and so many mental stress issues sometimes as a result of the death of someone.
So the regular use of bananas is quite necessary for elders.
Because we all know that the hormone of happiness is also found in bananas.
Depression is very common in seniors
and it creates many types of other diseases. So by eating this fruit regularly seniors can reduce depression easily.
These are some amazing benefits of bananas for elders.
That's why banana is the most famous fruit in the world. for all kinds of peoples especially elders.
Elders need some exercise in their regular life.
Exercise on regular basis may help elders to improve their body performance and maintain fitness.
As we discussed above banana is a source of quick energy that helps elders to exercise regularly and maintain their body performance and keep their bones strong.

(15) Quit smoking easily.

Eat a banana and quit smoking.
Research proved that banana helps those man who is trying to quit smoking.
It is very difficult to quit the habit of smoking in the first attempt.
The problems which smokers face during quit smoking are these like,
The problem of the nervous system, increase of heart rate, and falls of energy level.
But the banana is very useful to controls these problems.
The doctors advise smokers to eat the banana during the attempt to quit smoking.
Banana contains potassium, which is very helpful to controls the nervous system and controls heart rate also to help the smokers to overcome these problems during they are trying to quit smoking.
The energy level also increases with the use of banana and overcome the weakness in the attempt to quit smoking.
By using banana smokers can quit smoking easily in the first attempt.

(16)Banana peel for health.

Banana is a very important fruit and its peel is also beneficial.

Clean teeth:
 If you want to clean your teeth with some natural resources and clean the yellowness from your teeth 100% you can try the peel of a banana.
Banana peel contains centric acid which helps to clean our teeth naturally.
Rub your teeth with a banana peel for almost 2 to 4 minutes and clean with water, regular use will give a 100% result.

Clean face: If you have some acne problem on your face or you want to clean your skin from all kinds of hidden dirt you can use banana peel without any daught as you know this is a natural source it will never give you any kind of side effects.
Banana peel contains vitamins that are quite necessary for our skin and make our face glowing.
How to use it?
Very easy just use the banana peel from the internal side to rub on your face for 5 minutes regularly will help you to overcome skin issues.

(17) Banana benefits during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is quite a sensitive time for women to enjoy pregnancy it's vital to avoid all kinds of difficulties.
Women should eat right and healthy foods during incubation.
Healthy food for not only mother but baby also.
Banana includes minerals, vitamins,  carbohydrates, and fiber which is quite essential during pregnancy.
Banana can resist some types of drawbacks that appear during pregnancy and keep both safe.

I will examine some benefits of bananas during pregnancy.

  • Save baby.  Banana is rich in folate which is quite effective to establish the baby's brain, because of folate richness it halts folate deficiency in the body during pregnancy.
  • Protect the nervous system. Banana is a big citation of vitamin b6 as we all know vitamin b6 is good for the nervous system. It maintains the nervous system of pregnant women, and as well as comparable crucial for the central nervous system of the baby.
  • Restrain blood pressure. Blood pressure is a huge situation during pregnancy almost every pregnant women undergo this. Blood pressure should remain under supervision during pregnancy. As we all know that bananas are rich in potassium which boosts blood pressure under control during pregnancy. pregnant women should eat the banana in breakfast to restrain blood pressure under custody all day.

(18) Decent for the sportsman.

A sportsman always gives a decent amount of energy to the field.
Sportsman needs good fruit to consume more nutrients and energy to retain its performance regularly.
Banana comprises sugar in the form of glucose which is a good carbohydrate to collect fast energy.
Banana is also a citation of protein as we discussed above.  Protein helps us to make strong muscles. Which are very needful as a sportsperson.
By the mixture of minerals and vitamins, they support to make red blood cells shortly to make a sportsman energetic.
Banana also produces a chemical that supports our brain to stay alert and enhances the focusing power of a sportsman in the field to give 100%.
Banana is a reference to iron which make bones and joints strong, being a sportsman we always require strong bones.

I hope you all will like this unique post
about the benefits of bananas for men.
This is a comprehensive article for you I hope you will benefit from it.

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